BC Federation of Labour

The BC Federation of Labour represents over 500,000 members from affiliated unions across the province, working in every aspect of the BC economy. It has a long and proud history of fighting for the rights of all working people to a safe workplace and fair wages.

The goals of the BCFED are best exemplified by its slogan: “What we desire for ourselves, we wish for all.”

Today’s BC Federation of Labour is actually the second organization by that name. The first was formed in 1910 as workers across the province united in a single body to pursue political change in the provincial Legislature.

That first Federation was worn down by the battles and divisions that afflicted working people during the period between the First and Second World Wars, particularly the Great Depression. But by 1956, the need for unity was obvious. The two main labour centrals of that era, following on the national lead of the Canadian Labour Congress, joined forces to re-create the BC Federation of Labour.

The Federation is a member of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and works with the CLC to further the interests of working people across the country.

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Union Service Rep

Aman Chumber

Tel:(604) 513-1850
Cell:(250) 891-5436
Unit Chairperson

Kassandra Cordero


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