The USW Local 2009 Bargaining Committee has met with the Dynamic Bargaining Team 8 times so far, commencing on January 9, 2019. This was followed by many preparatory meetings of the USW bargaining Committee.
At the initial session, non-monetary proposals were exchanged. On the following 3 dates, the committee continued to explain, persuade and respond to all of the proposals on the table.
Non-monetary proposals include vacations and vacation pay, job postings, health and safety provisions, return to work language, and many other minor language changes. Once the non-monetary proposals had a general agreement the bargaining committee was then to deal with all of the proposals that are monetary or have a cost attached to them. The Bargaining Committee presented their full package of monetary demands on March 19th. We are waiting for the employer's response.
As we proceed with more dates into February and March the Bargaining Committee will provide more updates as to what progress we are making.
Your Bargaining Committee consists of;
- Earl Graham - District 3 Representative
- Jesse Boyd - Unit President
- Gurpreet Jhamat - Bargaining Committee
- Marseel Al-Hirmiz - Bargaining Committee
- Al Bieksa - USW Local 2009 President
- Jeff Gale - Bargaining Committee
- John Larsen - Bargaining Committee
Your USW Bargaining Committee remains committed to achieving a fair deal